Editorial design encompasses magazines, books, and newsletters. For magazines, the designer needs to balance readability with the right visual tone and personality that connects to its audience. Books, by their nature, assume an air of permanence; they need extra attention to typography, proportion, balance, and rhythm.
The covers of Peter Montoya’s Personal Branding magazine featured photos of personal branding newsmakers or famous personal brands.
Selected interior spreads. On the top is a recurring column and on the bottom is a feature article about Art Linkletter.
Two interior feature spreads. On the top is Famous Amos of Famous Amos Cookie fame; on the bottom is Richard Allen of Real Estate infomercial tycoon and promoter fame.
Interior spread in Peter Montoya’s Personal Branding magazine.
Personal Branding 101: Nuts and Bolts spread in Peter Montoya’s Personal Branding magazine.
Peter Montoya’s Personal Branding magazine was a quarterly publication devoted to personal branding. It had feature articles about leading personal brands of the day, along with regular columns about how to improve your personal brand. The magazine was geared to such business service professionals as real estate agents, financial planners, and insurance brokers.
Cover and interior design.
The how-to manual for building and maintaining a personal brand.
Cover and interior design.
The Personal Branding Phenomenon takes a closer look at the growing trend of personal brands and how ordinary business people can use this trend to their advantage.
Cover and interior spread; four spot colors throughout.
The presentation of financial information can be dry as dirt. To prevent that from happening to the Avatar Associates Advisor newsletter, financial information was presented with a judicious use of color, visual texture, graphs and charts. The newsletter was visually interesting yet serious.
Cover and interior spread; three spot colors throughout.
This publication for Merrill Lynch International Funds was used to keep team members up-to-date on what was happening within the division and throughout Merrill Lynch that would have an impact on their division. The newsletter was eventually reproduced electronically.
This newsletter for ProVUE Development gave timely product and technical information to its current database of customers. The one-color newsletter relied on value, scale, and typography to communicate meaning.
ARD offers high quality graphic design and branding – emphasizing sustainability to upscale marketing, public relations and business development firms for their savviest green clients.
Our creative process releases us to follow the trail of energy, water and material resources to anticipate every opportunity to design sustainably.